When you join the Chicken Yogi Club you say YES to accessible yoga designed for those commonly kept out of yoga and fitness spaces. 

Your Instructor

Kit Caelsto

Kit is a creative spiritual coach for those not served by our current cultural paradigm. Their focus is on personal, spiritual practices, moving in tune with natural rhythms, gentle, accessible movement including yoga and meditation designed to help soothe the nervous system and connecting with yourself. They use these practices as way to find inner peace and manage their symptoms of fibromyalgia, depression, cPTSD, and anxiety, as well as deal with internalized trauma. They’re a registered 500HR Yoga Teacher, a 200HR Meditation Teacher, and is  currently working on additional certifications including a graduate degree in Religious Studies with an emphasis on disability liberation.


They believe cultivating personal safety and connection within through yoga helps EVERYONE live authentically. Embrace your uniqueness. Crow & Flow. It’s okay. Let’s get on the mat together and see how we can work together to bring your authentic story to life.